Saturday, October 16, 2010

Intipati Bajet 2011
Intipati Bajet 2011

KUALA LUMPUR: Berikut ialah intipati Bajet 2011 yang dibentangkan oleh Perdana Menteri yang juga Menteri Kewangan, Datuk Seri Najib Razak di Dewan Rakyat, hari ini:

* Pembinaan projek pembangunan bercampur termasuk kediaman mampu milik bernilai RM10 bilion di Sungai Buloh yang dijangka siap pada 2025.

* Pembinaan projek bersepadu "Warisan Merdeka" dengan menara 100 tingkat tertinggi di Malaysia bernilai RM5 bilion yang dijangka siap pada 2015.

* Pembangunan Zon Akuakultur Bersepadu di Pitas, Sungai Telaga dan Sungai Padas di Sabah serta di Batang Ai dan Tanjung Manis di Sarawak dengan peruntukan RM252 juta.

* Peruntukan RM135 juta bagi persediaan prasarana asas menggalakkan petani menceburi bidang bernilai tinggi seperti industri sarang burung walit.

* Melanjutkan galakan potongan cukai pendapatan bagi pelabur dan pengecualian cukai pendapatan bagi syarikat dalam aktiviti pengeluaran bahan makanan sehingga 2015.

* RM85 juta untuk membina kemudahan infrastruktur bagi membolehkan hotel dan pusat peranginan di kawasan pedalaman yang berpotensi menarik pelancong.

* RM50 juta bagi membina beberapa laluan pejalan kaki berbumbung di kawasan lingkaran KLCC-Bukit Bintang.

* Pembangunan pusat peranginan bersepadu eco-nature pertama di dunia bernilai RM3 bilion oleh Nexus Karambunai di Sabah bermula tahun depan.

* Pemansuhan duti import ke atas 300 barangan kegemaran pelancong dan rakyat tempatan pada kadar lima peratus sehingga 30 peratus bagi menjadikan Malaysia destinasi utama membeli-belah di Asia.

* RM119 juta untuk membangunkan penciptaan kandungan tempatan, hosting kandungan tempatan dan pembukaan saluran baru untuk kandungan.

* Pengecualian cukai jualan ke atas semua jenis telefon bimbit.

* RM850 juta bagi menyediakan infrastruktur sokongan untuk mempercepatkan pembangunan koridor dan wilayah.

* RM411 juta untuk melonjak ekonomi ke arah sebuah negara berpendapatan tinggi, aktiviti penyelidikan, pembangunan dan pengkomersilan sebagai landasan peningkatan aktiviti nilai ditambah dalam setiap bidang ekonomi.

* Penubuhan Unit Inovasi Khas (UNIK) di bawah Jabatan Perdana Menteri dengan peruntukan RM71 juta bagi tahun depan untuk mengkomersilkan hasil penemuan R&D oleh universiti dan institusi penyelidikan.

* RM200 juta untuk perolehan hasil kreatif seperti filem, drama dan dokumentari keluaran tempatan yang berkualiti tinggi.

* Kadar cukai perkhidmatan dicadang dinaikkan satu peratus kepada enam peratus untuk menjamin kesejahteraan masa hadapan negara.

* Cukai perkhidmatan juga dicadang dikenakan ke atas perkhidmatan penyiaran TV berbayar.

* Meningkatkan penguatkuasaan dan pengauditan serta memperluaskan liputan ke atas semua pihak yang sepatutnya membayar cukai bagi memantapkan kutipan hasil.

* Menyusun semula dan memperkukuhkan aspek pendidikan dan latihan dengan belanja mengurus RM29.3 bilion untuk Kementerian Pelajaran, RM10.2 bilion (Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi) dan RM627 juta (Kementerian Sumber Manusia).

* Menubuhkan "Talent Corporation" di bawah Jabatan Perdana Menteri pada awal 2011 untuk membangunkan pangkalan data tenaga kerja berkepakaran serta menjalin kerjasama dengan jaringan bakat di seluruh dunia.

* RM212 bilion diperuntukkan bagi Bajet 2011 iaitu 2.8 peratus lebih tinggi berbanding peruntukan 2010.

* Daripada jumlah itu, RM162.8 bilion adalah bagi perbelanjaan mengurus dan RM49.2 bagi perbelanjaan pembangunan.

* Di bawah peruntukan mengurus, RM45.6 bilion adalah bagi emolumen dan RM28.2 bilion bagi perkhidmatan dan bekalan, RM86.4 billion diperuntukkan kepada Pemberian dan Kenakan Bayaran Tetap.

* Sejumlah RM1.4 bilion disediakan untuk pembelian aset dan RM1.2 bilion untuk perbelanjaan lain.

* Bagi peruntukan pembangunan, RM28.3 bilion disediakan bagi sektor ekonomi untuk menampung keperluan infrastruktur, perindustrian serta pertanian dan pembangunan luar bandar.

* Sejumlah RM15.5 bilion diperuntukkan bagi sektor sosial termasuk pendidikan dan latihan, kesihatan, kebajikan, perumahan serta pembangunan masyarakat.

* RM4.4 bilion diperuntukkan bagi pembangunan sektor keselamatan, RM955 juta bagi pentadbiran am dan RM2 bilion untuk simpanan luar jangka.

* Dari segi kutipan hasil Kerajaan Persekutuan bagi 2011, jumlahnya dianggarkan meningkat 2.3 peratus kepada RM165.8 bilion berbanding RM162.1 bilion pada 2010.

* Defisit Kerajaan Persekutuan bagi 2011 dijangka terus berkurangan kepada 5.4 peratus daripada KDNK berbanding 5.6 peratus pada 2010.

* Untuk Kementerian Pelajaran, peruntukan pembangunan sebanyak RM6.4 billion disediakan bagi membina dan menaik taraf sekolah, asrama, kemudahan dan peralatan serta memartabatkan profesion guru.

* RM213 juta lagi dibajet sebagai ganjaran kepada sekolah berprestasi tinggi serta imbuhan kepada Pengetua atau Guru Besar dan Guru Cemerlang.

* Pendaftaran prasekolah akan ditingkatkan dengan sasaran 72 peratus menjelang akhir 2011 melalui penambahan 1,700 kelas, pemantapan kurikulum serta pelantikan 800 guru prasekolah lepasan ijazah.

* RM111 juta diperuntukkan bagi program PERMATA antaranya bagi pembinaan fasa 2 Kompleks Sekolah PERMATA Pintar, membina 32 Pusat Anak PERMATA Negara (PAPN) dan membiayai operasi 52 PAPN yang sudah siap.

* RM250 juta diperuntukkan bagi sekolah bantuan modal agama, sekolah bantuan modal jenis kebangsaan Cina, sekolah kebangsaan Tamil, sekolah bantuan modal mubaligh dan sekolah bantuan kerajaan seluruh negara.

* Kerajaan juga bersetuju membiayai bantuan per kapita untuk sekolah-sekolah agama rakyat rendah dan menengah dengan peruntukan RM95 juta sebagai mengiktiraf pendidikan Islam.

* Bagi menyediakan guru serta tenaga pengajar kompeten dan berkualiti yang dapat membimbing dan mendidik pelajar sekolah dengan sebaiknya, kerajaan menyediakan RM576 juta dalam bentuk biasiswa kepada mereka yang ingin melanjutkan pelajaran.

* Sejumlah RM213 juta diperuntukkan bagi mengangkat tinggi penguasaan Bahasa Malaysia, mempersadakan Bahasa Inggeris dan memperkemaskan kurikulum standard sekolah rendah.

* Kerajaan bersetuju untuk mengambil 375 guru penutur jati antaranya daripada United Kingdom dan Australia untuk meningkatkan lagi pengajaran Bahasa Inggeris.

* Peratusan staf akademik berkelulusan PhD ditambah kepada 75 peratus bagi universiti penyelidikan dan 60 peratus bagi IPTA lain dengan peruntukan RM20 juta.

* Skim Rumah Pertamaku dengan jaminan kerajaan ke atas bayaran pendahuluan 10 peratus bagi harga rumah di bawah RM220,000.

* Menyediakan Skim Pembiayaan Perumahan Kos Rendah untuk pekerja estet oleh BSN.

* Program Bantuan Rumah (12,000 unit) untuk golongan miskin dan miskin tegar dengan peruntukan RM300 juta.

* Mewujudkan "Portal 1Malaysia Pengguna Bijak".

* Memperkenalkan Program Pengedaran Barang Perlu bagi menyeragamkan harga barangan.

* Memperkenalkan Program Transformasi Kedai Runcit, Bengkel Automotif dan Projek Pasar Komuniti.

* Melancarkan Dana Pencen Swasta.

* Melancarkan Skim Amanah Hartanah Bumiputera bernilai RM1 bilion dan patuh syariat.

* Menyediakan multivitamin untuk pelajar sekolah rendah seluruh negara.

* Meneruskan program subsidi bayaran bil elektrik bagi penggunaan bawah RM20 sebulan.

* Kadar tol di empat lebuh raya milik PLUS Expressway Bhd tidak akan dinaikkan bagi tempoh lima tahun akan datang bermula serta-merta.

* Mengkaji semula had minimum kebankrapan yang pada masa ini berjumlah RM30,000.

* Permohonan PR boleh dilakukan selepas lima tahun.

* Menyediakan empat bas sebagai Klinik Bergerak.

* Merangka Model Baru Pembangunan Orang Asli dan Pribumi.

* Memperkukuh JHEOA dengan mentransformasi kepada Jabatan Kemajuan Orang Asli. - BERNAMA

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thanks to all of you...


     To all UTPian, congratulation for completing another one process in selecting your new leader. 27 % of the total population of students went to fulfill their responsibility...Here is the result after last night,

  1. sara lyana - 1297
  2. hamzah - 1247
  3. aidil - 1245
  4. nadiah hartini - 1240
  5. anam - 1234
  6. fitri - 937
  7. rofans - 845
     So, for the highest six voted by students are going to be the next line up for MPP UTP 2010/2011. Thanks to those who were voting for me. Insyaallah, I will try my best to be with all of you, my dearest  UTPian brothers and sisters. Responsibility is such a heaviest thing in this world. To look for it is easy, to talk about it is also easy, but to walk it out is hard. Hopefully, all of you will always be with the new line up of MPP UTP.

     To Rofans, I believe that this would not stop you from contributing to our beloved universities. You are such a good brother for me, even we just met each other during the nomination day. I believe that you could be a good leader.  For the rest, dont forget about our promises. Try our best to be the best and assisting the rest....

Thanks a lot. Keep up your support to me and my colleagues. Together, we shift to the highest paradigm...


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

To All My Supporters


Less than 24 hours from now, a new line up of MPPUTP will be officially announced. I believe that the election committee is now in hectic to make the last preparation for tomorrow. A little bit of nervous comes disturbing me, but I know, that all the UTPians are brilliant enough, to make the wise decision in voting for their future leaders. Whatever it is, vote for the right candidate. Vote for their capability not for their popularity.

Since the first time I met all the candidates during the nomination day, I noticed that they are all capable and having a good charismatic in being such a good leader. The confidence that are shown by them, somehow telling me that this time, I have to struggle if I want to win this election. Many of them had experienced working in previous line up of MPP UTP. So, why should you vote for me as I have no experience in MPP UTP? Your vote is important as it would give MPP UTP, an agent for check and balance that would lead to drive up MPP in different way. Maybe I have no experience in MPP UTP. But, experience that I gained since my secondary school until in UTP with RCSU is going to be my precious asset. The leadership skills in joining RCSU can be implemented in MPP UTP if I am given the mandate by you. Leadership is an action, so it requires skills. Leadership is not the thing that makes you rigid with certain group of people and certain area of working, but it makes you brilliantly deal with various types of people and different type of problems.

Some of my colleagues even ask me, what did make you difference from the rest? It is quite hard to answer it but believe in me, my dearest brothers and sisters. I experienced working in RCSU starting from the bottom level and I can gain the trust from them until I was being voted as the President. Experience is something that we cannot gain in the class. Furthermore, undergoing internship at Ethylene Polyethylene Malaysia Sdn Bhd is really taught me the meaning of life. Here, I am appointed as the leader for the trainees. The responsibility in being the leader is not only for managing the UTP trainees, but also to manage the trainees from INSTEP and also some others IPTA such as UiTM, UMP and Politeknik Sultan Mizan. Working with many types of people, teach me indirectly steps in becoming a good leader.

Dear brothers and sister,
               Let us do our responsibility as UTPian. It is all up to you now. You are the one who is going to decide your next leader. Think wisely and vote carefully. Don’t forget, vote for the right candidate and don’t forget, vote for me, candidate no 6.

Where Are Our Rights?

Assalamualaikum. In this post, I want to arise one issue that has not been solved for a long time in our campus; the student rights. Recently, I had a conversation with the ex-President of MPPUTP, Mr. Hanif Humam, and we had a short discussion about students' rights and their awareness.


If we observe the sports facilities around our campus, for example the basketball court. The basketball rings broke and nobody comes and fix them for nearly 1 year, although the students have worked so hard to uphold our campus's name by winning various tournaments and competitions in various sports categories. Furthermore, all of the facilities are included in our facilities fees. So, where do the money go?

If we view from the academic side, the situation is also the same. In lecture halls, for example. There are many broken chairs that have not being fixed since I entered this campus as a Foundation student! Sometimes there are adjunct lectures organized and some student do not have seats because the seats are broken. As a result, the students cannot study in conducive manner. So, I ask you again, where are our rights?

Ignorance is also an issue that lingers among UTP students for a long time. For example, not many students know about the Manifesto Night which being held last Saturday (2/10/2010). Why? The main reason is because the announcement was not well-spread and the information is not centralized from one main resource. As a result of that, it is difficult for students to get up-to-date information of what's going on around the campus.

To counter this problem, UTP management should allocate a 'student centre', a place where every student can come to get up-to-date information about activities around UTP whether it is academic or non-academic matters. The centre can also be a place where students can voice out their problems to MPPUTP. If UTP can build a centre for Postgraduate students, so why not for the Undergraduate students.

These matters must be treated seriously as they involved the denial of students' rights. The new line-up of MPPUTP must raise these matters to the UTP managements to be discussed in order to solve it. So, vote me, Hamzah bin Nawawi, candidate number 6 and I can assure you that I will try my best to solve them for the sake of us.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Hamzah Nawawi : Candidate #6 Manifesto Video


Dear friends, Alhamdulillah I have uploaded a short video introducing myself and my manifesto. Feel free to watch it and don't to vote me, candidate number 6 on this Thursday (7/10/2010).

Thank you

Hamzah Nawawi Fan Club

Assalamualaikum/Salam Sejahtera,

Dear brothers and sisters, I am looking more members to join my fan club. So, if you are interested, don't hesitate to call the fan club leader; Syawwatul Eqwan (019-5206354) or

Let's feel the thrill of CAMPUS ELECTION~ You may change it!


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Campaign Begins

I started my campaign yesterday. Alhamdulillah, the feedback was good and  I had a great opportunity to meet many students to introduce myself and my manifesto. I started my campaign at 12.00 noon at V5 cafeteria. Accompanied by my fan club members, I delivered my speech.

Finished campaigning at V5, I head to V2 cafe. There were some groups of students having their lunch. I  took this opportunity to greet them and introduced myself. Many of them already noticed that I was a candidate for this coming election, thanks to my fan club who do their best to promote me.

Next, I continued my campaign session to the Village 1. Arrived at about 1.20 p.m., there were a lot of student having their lunch there. I took this chance to introduce myself to them. I greeted Pak Ali and introduced myself to him before I proceed to my speech.

Later, I continued my campaign to my last destination, V6 cafe. There were lesser crowd having their lunch there as the clock showed 2.00 p.m. I approached them with smile and introduced myself to them.

Culture Is Not A boundary

During this campaign, I try to make myself well-known, not only to Malay students, but also other races. I want to show to them that race is not a boundary for us to get to know each other and to care for each other. For me, the differences is something that have to share because every person has their own uniqueness.

In my speeches, I reminded the students to turn up on the election day on the election day this Thursday, 7th October. This is their only opportunity to choose their true leaders which have the real credibility to lead, as this is one of responsibility of a student toward the campus and also to make sure the welfare of the students being taken care of. So, vote for me, Hamzah bin Nawawi, candidate number 6. I promise to voice out everything about the student's welfare and I can assure you that you will not regret voting me.

The 1st Step Toward Improvement

The Manifesto Night went smoothly without any problem. Thanks to the committee who had work so hard to organize the event. Alhamdulillah, all of the 7 candidates presented their manifesto very well, in brilliant manner.

General Constituency candidates

Rebranding MPPUTP
I am not writing this post to tell you about the event itself, but I am here to share with you about what my motto, "Rebranding MPPUTP" is all about. The rebranding is all about improving the MPPUTP to become an approachable organization in order to solve issues and problems that lingered among us without any real solution.

Based on 4 years of spending my life in our campus, I have observed that the unity among the students that come from various races has been an unsolved issue for a very long time. It is so obvious that they are not blending with each other very well. To make the problem worse, there are events that being conquered by certain races. For example, Convofair is conquered by Malay student, EDX is conquered by Chinese student and also for ISC events, which being participated by majority international students. This is a really unhealthy situation because if there is any issue that touches the sensitivity of a race spreads, a catastrophic problem of student unity will occur.

The Solutions

Therefore, here I am to suggest some solutions regarding to this matter. My vision is to make the MPPUTP becoming more approachable. Instead of the students seek MPPUTP to solve problem, the MPPUTP comes to them. The MPPUTP will organize a sharing session with students for them to share problems that they observe in UTP. This step is relevant as the MPPUTP is an organization which to voice out the problems around the campus on behalf of students to the management of UTP. 

As for the unity problems, MPPUTP should organize interracial dialogue between different races representative and MPPUTP. The objective this 2-ways dialogue is to know what are the main problems that prevent the unity between the races. The quota system should also be applied in organizing events. The quota system is to ensure every race can get the same opportunity to participate in events as committees. In order for them to mix around well, they must work together and share the happiness and problem together in organizing events like pepatah Melayu said, ringan sama dipikul, berat sama dijinjing.

What's next?
For me, the Manifesto Night is only the beginning of battle to gain trust and support from my UTP friends. No matter how good my manifesto, if I don't have your support, our dream to rebrand MPPUTP and to unite our friends will be always a dream. So, think and choose wisely, who is the most worthy to become the next MPPUTP leader. As a conclusion, I want to share to you a German idiom, Unser Leben ist voll mit Herausforderungen. So muessen wir ueberleben. In English in means, there are so many problems and challenges in our life, but the life goes on. In order to face the challenges, a brilliant leader is needed and that is our responsibility as a student for our beloved campus. Vote for me, Hamzah bin Nawawi, candidate number 6.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Manifesto Night

Time to make it real

Alhamdulillah. After days of training, the manifesto night is finally here. As all of you aware, I am the candidate number 6. As for tonight, I will be presenting some of the study cases that I have done regarding to the problems which the previous MPPUTP had faced and how I will counter these kind of problems when I get the position as the member of High Committee of MPPUTP.

The details of the Manifesto Night as shown below :
  • Venue : Chancellor Hall
  • Time   : 2000 - 0000
  • Date   : 2 October 2010
To all my friends, thank you for your support. This is our first step to revolutionize the MPPUTP and make our dreams come true, InsyaAllah.